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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  • The manuscript must have between 15 and 25 pages, line-spacing 1.5 cm; Georgia font style, font size 12; 3 cm margins (upper, lower, right and left); A4 paper format; the figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document, as annexes.
  • The title, abstract and keywords must be in Portuguese, English and a third language (Spanish or French); It must be reviewed by an expert.
  • The picture files are in CDR, TIF or JPG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  • The files for submission must be in .doc (Microsoft Word) or .odt (OpenOffice) format and must not exceed 20MB.
  • URLs (internet addresses) for the references must be informed when necessary.
  • The manuscript must be sent without the identification of authorship. The identification must also be removed from the “Properties” option in Word. Thus, it ensures the confidentiality criterion of the journal if submitted for peer blind review (articles), according to the instructions available in Assuring Blind Peer Review.
  • For articles from theses and dissertations: our journal uses plagiarism detection software to ensure the quality and uniqueness of publications. If your article contains data and excerpts from your thesis or dissertation, it is mandatory that you inform us at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines

Given the wide range of topics converging on geographic science, we ask that authors pay attention to the scope of the journal. Therefore, only those articles that include categories of geographic analysis will be accepted, that is, it is important to use and deepen the spatial analysis, as well as the basic concepts of Geography.

The names of all authors must be provided at the time of submission. The inclusion of co-authors will not be accepted after the evaluation process of the text has begun.

In metadata, when filling out the fields referring to authorship, all authors must indicate their ORCID iD. This information is mandatory for article publication. To register in ORCID, access In addition, we invite authors to add information about their social networks to the User Details (Text Box URL - Example: Instagram - @periodico.geografia). If the submitted manuscript is accepted, we will use the information to mark the authors on our social networks. 

GEOGRAFIA has a formatting template for better organization of its articles. It is advisable to use it from the beginning of the writing process. The articles should be submitted to GEOGRAFIA using this template. Link to access the material:

GEOGRAFIA publishes a maximum of two papers per first author in each annual issue. A new submission by the same first author will be accepted as long as the evaluation process of the previous submission is completed.


Frequency and publications

GEOGRAFIA adopts the continuous publication model.

The content may be published in Portuguese, Spanish or English. All texts must be written in accessible language, avoiding theoretical jargon and mathematical formulations, as long as it does not impair the quality of the work.


The evaluation and approval of texts:

The proposed articles will be evaluated by the Scientific Council, which will give opinions according to what is established by the magazine: "favourable without any restriction", "favourable, provided that the suggestions for reformulation indicated are observed" and "unfavourable". The proposals will be sent to two referees. If there is disagreement between them, the proposals will be sent to a third referee. Proposers whose work has received an "unfavourable" opinion are not entitled to any appeal. Observations: in the case of a "favourable, as long as the indicated suggestions of reformulation are observed”, it will be justified on the opinion sheet, and sent to the author; In case of failure to comply with the requests signalled by the evaluator, the texts will be refused by the Editorial Board; in the case of two unfavorable opinions, the text will not be published; the anonymity of the authors and the evaluators will always be maintained.

Submission Guidelines

 A) Article

  • From 15 (fifteen) to 25 (twenty-five) pages (including bibliographic references, footnotes, tables, charts and figures);
  • A4 paper format;
  • Margins (upper, lower, right and left): 3cm;
  • In Word format (.doc) or OpenOffice (.odt);
  • Each article may have a maximum of 5 (five) authors.


The beginning of the text should contain:

  • Title:
    • In portuguese;
    • Centralized;
    • All letters in capitals;
    • Font style "Georgia";
    • Font size 14; and
    • Line spacing 1.0.

  • Highlights:
    After the title, authors should list the highlights of the article. Highlights are items that help in the diffusion of texts, facilitating their identification in Internet search engines. They should summarize the main results and contributions of the research to the area of knowledge, as well as the methodological innovations used.
    • They are presented in short sentences, composed of a maximum of 100 characters with spaces.
    • Font style: "Georgia";
    • Font size 12;
    • Line spacing 1.0;
    • A list of up to five highlights.

  • Abstract:
    • In Portuguese;
    • Minimum 10 and maximum 15 lines;
    • Georgia font style;
    • Font size 11;
    • Line spacing 1.0; and
    • A list of 5 keywords.
  • Abstracts in two other languages, one of which must be English and the other in Spanish or French, must also be included. As 07/04/2023, in case of article accept, abstracts in a foreign language must undergo a specialized language review, this step being the responsibility of the authors.
  • The title of the article must precede the abstracts in their respective languages.
  • The texts must contain an introduction, development sections and a conclusion or final considerations.

Papers will be peer-reviewed, and should not have any authorship identification (explicit in the body of the text or any form of concealed identification).


Section titles (e.g. "Introduction", "Methodology", "Results", "Concluding Remarks", "References", etc.):

  • "Georgia" font style;
  • Font size 12;
  • All capital letters;
  • Bold; and
  • Left alignment.

Section subtitles:

  • "Georgia" font style;
  • Font size 12;
  • Only the first letter of the subtitle and proper names in uppercase;
  • Bold; and
  • Left alignment.


The body of the text should be written with:

  • "Georgia" font style;
  • Font size 12;
  • Line spacing 1.5;
  • Paragraph indentation: 1.25 cm;
  • Justified alignment.


Notes referring to the body of the article should be indicated with a high number, immediately after the sentences to which they refer. They should not come at the end of the text, but at the end of the same page where they are indicated.


The illustrations should be in good resolution for viewing in the document, containing:

  • At least 300 dpi;
  • Maximum width of 16cm and maximum height of 20cm.
  • The respective titles should be written in font size 12 and fonts in size 10, both centered.

If the illustrations submitted have already been published, mention the source. Note: figures must be inserted using the "insert image" button in the respective text editor (Word or OpenOffice), never pasted directly into the file. Two figures should never be inserted side by side individually. In such cases, paired images must be mosaicked together to form a single figure.


Tables and charts:

  • They must have a heading that allows an understanding of the meaning of the data gathered, without the need for reference to the text, obeying the presentation norms of the IBGE Foundation (available at
  • They must be organized in sequential numbering for each type, and their calls must be marked in the text, with the indication of the respective order number.


Acknowledgements, if any, may be inserted in the text only after the article's evaluation stage, right after the final considerations.

Citations must follow the ABNT author-date system (following the norms NBR-10520: 2002 - Citations);

  • Footnotes should not be used for bibliographical references.
  • Short quotations (up to 3 lines) should be incorporated into paragraphs between "double quotation marks".
  • Long quotations (more than 3 lines) should constitute an independent paragraph, with 4 cm indentation, justified, with font size 11 and 1.0 spacing between lines.
  • The quotations in a foreign language should present the translated version in a footnote;
  • Translated citations should have the indication "our translation" at the end of the citation.


References should be presented at the end of the paper, according to the ABNT norms (NBR-6023: 2018 - References).

For more details on how to prepare the references, access the template file by clicking here.


B) Reviews

  • From 3 (three) to 5 (five) pages;
  • Same guidelines used for the articles;
  • Each review may have two authors;
  • The bibliographic references of the reviewed work is to be included at the beginning of the text, according to ABNT standards


C) Translations

  • Up to 30 (thirty) pages;
  • Same guidelines used for the articles;
  • The translation title is to be included at the beginning of the manuscript in Portuguese;
  • Bibliographic references in according to ABNT standards;
  • An authorization from copyrights holders must be attached for the publication in the journal;

The work will be evaluated according to: relevance of the text and quality of the translation. Texts translated from the original language will be privileged.


D) Interviews

  • From 10 (ten) to 30 (thirty) pages;
  • Same guidelines used for the articles;
  • The title of the interview, the place, the date, the name of the interviewee (s) and interviewer (s) with brief curriculum and authorizations for the publication of the interview in the journal should be included at the beginning of the text.


About content responsibility

The concepts used in the papers are author’s responsibility and does not means that the Editorial Team agrees with them. The Editorial Team takes responsibility only for the guidelines that guarantee academic quality of the journal.


Manuscript Submission

Articles and reviews must be submitted on GEOGRAFIA website. Using GEOGRAFIA submission system requires registering the author profile on the journal website before.


About manuscripts correction

Authors must submit two files. The first should highlight the accepted corrections and justify the unaccepted ones. The second should contain the corrections made, but without being highlighted.

Privacy Statement

The full names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and this information will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.