Methods and techniques of geoprocessing applied for obtaining fluvial geomorphological parameters


  • Francisco Roberto Brandão FERREIRA UNESP


his work offers a perspective for the study of the aspects of the fluvial morphometry, developping and testing procedures of parameters of drainage basins, by means of technological progresses, using, for this, the geographical information systems (GIS). For its development it was chosen a group of 20 drainage basins in the high course of the basin of the river Corumbataí, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The study also seeks to determine values of linear and areal parameters of the drainage basins, as well as to do a comparative study between the conventional and the digital methods of obtaining these parameters, supported by statistical techniques of linear regression and correlation between the method’s results. Key words: Fluvial Geomorphology, Fluvial Morphometry, Geoprocessing, GIS.




