Intra and inter-metropolitan consumer market structure: a omparative study of the metropolitan regions of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte


  • José Flavio Morais CASTRO PUC MINAS
  • Alexandre Magno Alves DINIZ PUCMinas


Many studies have explored the socioeconomic differences among Brazilian metropolitan areas. However, little is known about the different marketing consumption and hierarchy patterns among metropolitan municípios. The present work applies regionalization methods, especially Principal Component Analysis, and consumption per capita (US$) measures for municípios located in the metropolitan regions of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, for the year 1999. The method identifies complex structural relations, by investigating locational patterns or spatial structure organizations such as marketing hierarchy and dynamics at the general and specific levels. Together, 26 consumption indicators were employed in the analysis, revealing great internal discrepancies in all metropolitan regions. However, when the municípios of the three metropolitan regions are studied together, those located in RMSP overshadow the others. This marketing analysis subsidizes planning and managerial activities in both, public and private sectors. Key words: Spatial analysis; Principal Component Analysis; Consumer market

Author Biography

Alexandre Magno Alves DINIZ, PUCMinas

Alexandre Magno Alves DINIZ






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