Profile of the associations of farmers in the Presidente Prudente region – SP


  • Rosângela Aparecida de Medeiros HESPANHOL UNESP


The research had as main objective to identify and to analyze the characteristics of rural farmers associations at the twenty-one (21) municipal districts that integrate the Office of Rural Development of Presidente Prudente. The choice of this area for the accomplishment of the research is due to the fact of concentrating a great number of small rural productive units, although, they present significant economical and social importance, they have been facing countless difficulties of technological, economical and social order for maintaining themselves in the field. In this context, we tried to inquire the measure that the associations of farmers constituted in space of collective discussion of the faced problems and, mainly, as a channel of representation of the category interests in the local scale. Word-key: Farmers’ associations. Space of representation. Region of Presidente Prudente.


