Application of geoprocessing techniques for elaboration of a land use map - county of Morro do Chapéu-Bahia


  • Jocimara Souza Britto LOBÃO UFBA
  • Sylvio Carlos Bandeira de MELLO E SILVA UFBA
  • Barbara Christine Nentwig SILVA UFBA
  • Washington de Jesus Sant’Anna da Franca ROCHA UFBA


The county of Morro do Chapéu, located in the North of Chapada Diamantina, in Bahia, Brazil, is a privileged area considering its high-altitude climate and its innumerable springs, being considered a priority for preservation. This work, using techniques of Geoprocessing, produced a land use map in this area, qualifying and quantifying the human occupation, based on satellite imagery, digital land use models and preexisting physical maps. This base was also conjugated with social data and field works that had composed a Geographic Information System, aiming to characterize and to analyze the land use. Key words: Land use. Geoprocessing. Satellite imagery. Morro do Chapéu-BA






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