
  • Maria Novaes PINTO


Dynamics of the Pantanal Mato-Grossense Region. The aim of this study is to contribute to the identification of the dynamics of the Pantanal region. Satellite images, cartographic and bibliographic documentation with field work were used in order to analyse the environmental units and the phenomena which occur there. Conclusions show that the Pantanal Mato-Grossense Region which corresponds to the upper Paraguai Basin, includes the Pantanal, the lowest part of the region where the Paraguai river and its affluents slowly flow; the non-inundated plains which surround the Pantanal, together these compose the Pantaneira Depression - Depressão Pantaneira - where social, economic and cultural activities are developing; and the Pantanal Border (Borda do Pantanal) which corresponds to the upper lands of "serras" and plateaux, where the sources of the Paraguai river affluents are situated. The geossystemic approach shows the. ocourrence of a phenomenon - the Pantanal Geossystem (Geossistema do Pantanal) which is related to the Cerrado, Chaco, Amazon and Platta Geossystems. Secondary phenomena were also identified. It is possible that the Pantanal as such results from the systemic complexity which occurs ln fhe region as a whole. The irrational exploration of natural resources and lands is  threatening the dynamic equilibrium of the system. Finally it is evident that the peculiarities of the Pantaneiro Environment surpass the boundary of the traditional Pantanal itself.

Author Biography

Maria Novaes PINTO

Departamento de Geografia e Núcleo de Estudos Ambientais da Universidade de Brasília.






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