Analysis of the geoecological suitability of the Serra Negra high-altitude swamp in the agreste region of Pernambuco: an integrated approach to environmental components



The use of landscapes without proper knowledge of the functioning and carrying capacity of their components can cause changes in the quality of available resources. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the different levels of suitability for land use in exceptional areas in the semiarid region of Pernambuco, by assessing the geoecological suitability of the Serra Negra high-altitude swamp. To this end, remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems were used in the production of summary cartographic data. The results obtained indicated that 17% of the area studied presented a suitability considered "adequate". The "partially adequate" class covers 69% of the area, corresponding to areas intermediate between adequate and inadequate. Finally, the "inadequate" class with 14%. The results achieved allowed us to understand the relationship between the geoecological components of the landscape, identifying the potentialities and limitations of use of each unit of the Serra Negra environmental system. It is concluded, therefore, that through studies of this nature, it is possible to rethink the established use practices, considering the potentialities and limitations of the occupied spaces.

Author Biographies

Deyvid Luam da Silva Panta, University of Pernambuco

Postgraduate student in the Health and Socioenvironmental Development Program, University of Pernambuco. Bachelor's degree in Geography from the University of Pernambuco (UPE). Scholarship holder of the Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC) Year: 2019 - 2020, with research developed on the theme of Geodiversity and Geoconservation. Member of the Laboratory of Geoprocessing and Environmental Modeling (LaGMA) at UPE, Garanhuns. Member of the Working Group on Geomorphology (GT-Geomorfo), UPE, Garanhuns. Participates in the research group on Geodiversity of Pernambuco - UFPE and UPE.

Ana Maria Severo Chaves, State University of Paraíba: Guarabira, PB, BR

PhD and Master in Geography from the Federal University of Sergipe, Specialist in Geoprocessing and Georeferencing from the Cândido Mendes University, Graduated in Geography from the University of Pernambuco, Garanhuns Campus and Environmental Technician from the Federal Institute of Pernambuco, Garanhuns Campus. Research member of Terra - Urban, Rural and Environmental Research Group of the State University of Paraíba and GEOPLAN - Research Group in Geoecology and Territorial Planning of the Federal University of Sergipe. 

Kleber Carvalho Lima, Department of Geography of the University of Pernambuco (UPE)

Adjunct Professor of the Department of Geography at the University of Pernambuco (UPE), Garanhuns campus, and professor of the Graduate Program in Health and Socioenvironmental Development (PPGSDS/UPE). Coordinator of the Physical Geography Laboratory (LAGEFIS - UPE/Garanhuns) and of the Working Group in Geomorphology (GT-Geomorfo). He holds a PhD in Geography from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (2017), with a sandwich period at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev - Israel (2015), a master's degree in Geography from the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP/Rio Claro (2012), and a degree in Geography from the State University of Feira de Santana - UEFS (2008). 

Daniel Dantas Moreira Gomes, Professor of Geosciences at the University of Pernambuco (UPE)

PhD in Geology from the Federal University of Ceará (PPGGeo/UFC). Professor of Geosciences at the University of Pernambuco (UPE). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Health and Socioenvironmental Development (PPGSDS/UPE). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology (PPGCTA/UPE). He has experience in the area of ​​Geosciences, with emphasis on Physical Geography, working mainly on the following topics: Geotechnologies, Geoprocessing, Remote Sensing, Geomatics, Geostatistics, Geomorphology, Environmental Geology, Environmental Modeling and Geotechnical Mapping.




