The “looking” of a city by the “eyes” of waters


  • Lúcia Helena Batista GRATÃO UEL


Through the horizon of landscape perception it was tried to “look” the city by the “eyes” of waters. By the path of waters, a geographical exploration through imaginary and imagination, to reach meanings and values. Cities are cosmoses in the measure in that they narrate also its sense from its architecture and art. The image of the place has meaning, practical and emotional; it guides and it drives the individuals in their existences. Through waters, they become aware of their ways, they locate their places and landscapes. Essential orientation courses for the ones that inhabit the “town world”. Urban waters give access to the place. In this horizon line, the approach springs from a “more subjective geography”, aimed at by the “phenomenological look” and nourished by the “humanism waters” – body of the phenomenological geography. Key words: Water and the city. Geographical perception. Landscape of the city. Water imaginary. Quality of life.






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