Tourism at Presidente Epitácio municipality:space production and consumption


  • Keila Bonin Reis de CAMARGO
  • Carlos Henrique Costa da SILVA


The increasing of tourism in all continents and the positive projections of the future indices awaken the interest to this activity in many different sectors of the economy, as well as the authorities, in all its instances. As long as it is a highly complex activity that strongly interacts with society, culture and environment of the host regions, and being it an activity that appropriates, modifies and consumes spaces, the tourism development demands an anticipated and continuous planning, in order to avoid the environmental damage and injury to the most original characteristics of the environment in which it is inserted. In this context, this text seeks to identify the main elements that characterize and give singularity to Presidente Epitácio municipality as a tourist destination, which must be respected with the increasing of tourism and, at the same time, must lead the activity planning in the region. Key Words: Tourism; Space; Tourist Planning; Public Politics.




