The Geography and the study of the Socio-spatial Segregation


  • Edir de Paiva BUENO Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Odeibler Santos GUIDUGLI UNESP


The Geography and the study of the socio-spatial segregation This text seeks to demonstrate as the subject of the socio-spatial segregation, in your recent aspects, the Brazilian’s geographers have treated it or not. For so much, a wide bibliographical referential was inventoried in which, different authors, approaching the urban aspects, they show different population groups in the perspective of the segregation and of your territorial identities. These territorial identities are in the leisure spaces, us of the home, or us of work, they are shown as resultants of the direct influence of the economical and social aspects that permeate the urban society of the end of the century XX. Keys words: literature, urban space, socio-spatial segregation.




