Sustainable rural development: considerations about federal governments official speech


  • Luciano Zanetti Pessôa CANDIOTTO Unioeste
  • Walquíria Kruger CORRÊA Unioeste


Since 1990’s, ‘sustainable development’ became a popular term, reflected by environmental issues debated in ONU’s conference Rio-92. Besides the academic thinking and commercial uses of sustainable development, Brazilian federal government also incorporated the speech of sustainable development in several policies and documents. The ‘Agenda 21’ and other sectorial documents was published evidencing sustainability. This paper presents some considerations about federal government’s documents that emphasize the sustainable development in rural areas, considering the functions attributed to family agriculture. After some theoretical considerations about sustainable development we will be linking it with the following government documents: Guidelines of agrarian policies and sustainable development, of FAO/INCRA (1994); Sustainable Agriculture: subsidies for the Brazilian ‘Agenda 21’ (2000); Brazilian ‘Agenda 21’ (2002); National Plane of Sustainable Rural Development - PNDRS (2002); and the Ordinances of the National Program for Invigoration of Family Agriculture - PRONAF (1996/2001), National Council of Rural Development - CNDR (1999) and National Council of Sustainable Rural Development - CNDRS (2000). Key words: sustainable development; federal government; family agriculture.




