Secondary ecological sucession stages characterization of the Atlantic Forest in the Médio Vale do Paraíba do Sul Fluminense


  • Viviane Vidal da SILVA UERJ
  • Antonia Maria Martins FERREIRA uerj


The different economic activities developed since the XIX century in the area of Médio Vale do Paraíba do Sul, Rio de Janeiro State, were based on the intensive exploration of land. These activities brought a new landscape rattern feature where the Seasonal Semidecidual original Forest was reduced to isolated fragments in differents ecological sucession stages. This work aims to map and to characterize the differents secondary ecological sucession stages of the Atlantic Forest in the Barra do Piraí, Barra Mansa, Piraí, Pinheiral, Porto Real, Quatis e Volta Redonda city, through visual interpretation of the SPOT/3-1998 sattelite image, using the software MGE Advanced Image e Microstation. Vegetation Cover are fragmented, inserted in the pasture matrix, where it predominates the Intermediate Ecological Sucession Stage. Fragments in the climax stage add up 0,51% of the study area and are localited in higter relief. Key words: Atlantic Forest; Mapping; Remote Sensing; GIS.


