Competency-based Learning in Higher Mathematics Education as a Cluster of Efficient Approaches
Competency. Polyparadigm approach. Didactic basis. Cluster of approaches. System to select teaching con-tents.Resumo
This paper presents the research results of what the process of mathematics tеaching should be under the competency-based approach allowing the development of a university student’s mathematical competency. It indicates that integrative structure of mathematical competency containing cognitive, practical, motivational and value-based, reflexive and assessment-based components, updates the polyparadigm approach in teaching mathematics as an open cluster of approaches; their integrated utilization under the leading role of competency-based approach contributes to developing all mathematical competency components. It justifies that competency-based, context-based, interdisciplinary, discipline-based and information technology approaches and fundamentalization play a critical part in the polyparadigm approach; the integrated utilization of all approaches results in a synergetic effect. Within this framework the basic principles of competency-based mathematics teaching as well as a coherent system to select the content of mathematics teaching for engineering educational institution students are developed.Downloads

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