A Case Study: Problem Solving in High School Mathematics
This paper is based on activities developed in a public school project entitled “Development and Evaluation of a Participative Pedagogy of University in High School: emphasis on Mathematics, Science, and Communication”. In this project, we use qualitative research to study the introduction and development of a methodology that uses problem solving to teach Mathematics in a public high school class, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The data analysis showed that the experience was successful in generating new meanings for students, exposing them to an investigative approach, as well as stimulating their participation in the classes. It provided strong evidence that problem solving methodology is feasible for public schools, despite the many constraints that may interfere in the process. Keywords: Mathematics Education. Problem Solving. High School. Linear Systems and Functions.Downloads

>>>>> BOLEMA: Mathematics Education Bulletin = BOLEMA: Boletim de Educação Matemática, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil - eISSN 1980-4415 - está licenciado sob Licença Creative Commons