Characteristics of Problems that Students build from the Enunciation of a Mathematical Open-ended Question


  • João Ricardo Viola dos Santos Universida Estadual Paulista
  • Regina Luzia de Corio Buriasco Universidade Estadual de Londrina


The present paper shows characteristics of problems that students of 4th year Elementary School, 8th year Middle School and 3rd year High School built from an open-ended question enunciation, taken from their written work in the common question of AVA-2002 (Paraná State Large-Scale Assessment-2002). These problems have, on one hand, a linear resolution structure built from student interpretation of information of the enunciation, one by one, without connection, and, on other hand, they have a non-linear resolution structure built among information of the enunciation. The analysis of students’ written work is one alternative for teachers to know students' mathematical activity, as well as their particular ways of interpretation of enunciations. Keywords: Mathematics Education. Analysis of written work. Assessment in Mathematics.



