Networks of Social Interaction and Institutionalization of the Movement of Modern Mathematics in Bahia


  • Mariana Moraes Lôbo Pinheiro Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
  • Diogo Franco Rios Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana/UEFS


História da Educação Matemática. Teoria Ator-rede. Movimento da Matemática Moderna.


This article aims to contribute to the analysis of the history of mathematics education in Brazil, identifying the existence of a network of social interaction in the context of the Modern Mathematics Movement, formed in order to institutionalize a new standard of teaching of mathematics in Brazil, more specifically in Bahia, around the mid-Twentieth Century. In particular, we point out the triad formed by Omar Catunda, Leopoldo Nachbin and Marshal Stone and scientific events held in Brazil at the time, emphasizing that the reconciliation of professional and personal interests of the actors involved influenced this process of institutional development. Based on concepts like cultural circularity and actor-network theory, we present this process and elements relating to their characteristics outlined by Sociology. Keywords: History of Mathematics Education. Actor-network theory. Movement of Modern. Mathematics.



