Pedagogue. Formation. Multiprofessional Teams.Abstract
Faced with the new social changes, the pedagogy professional began to work in diverse areas. Based on this statement, weask: Is the pedagogue in the multiprofessional groups of care for special children? Thus, the objectives were: to identify if the pedagogue appears in the multiprofessional teams of therapies for children with special educational needs, to verify the pedagogic locus in these groups and to show the importance of having a pedagogical professional in a multiprofessional team. We did a descriptive, qualitative research, in the cyberspace, WhatsAp, with five people who were part of a group of 11 mothers of special children. The pedagogy professional is responsible for continuous reflections on the teaching-learning process in the school space or out of it. Its importance in a multiprofessional team is to teach the school curriculum. The result shows that the pedagogue, as a rule, does not appear in these multiprofessional therapy groups, and, when present, continues to act only in the school space, as often, as a pedagogical companion.
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