Reading/writing and literacy: exploring concepts
Reading/Writing. Literacy. Concepts.Abstract
By identifying the need to research concepts of reading/writing and literacy, we developed the present research, aiming to understand them through several authors who discuss and research about such processes. To meet the objective, we conducted a bibliographic research based on the assumptions of Historical-Cultural Psychology. Understanding reading/writing and literacy concepts and the relationship between them is essential for building effective reading and writing practices. This study allowed the realization that reading/writing and literacy are distinct but inseparable processes. We conclude that being literate goes beyond simply knowing the language code, i.e. not just knowing the letters of the alphabet. Knowing how to decode some words or phrases is not enough to master the use of written language. We realize that being literate goes beyond just knowing about letters, and finally, we find that in a society with literate culture, such as the current one, individuals need to be more than literate, that is, besides having mastery of reading and writing, they need to use them in their daily lives, to give social meaning to reading and writing.
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