School bullying prevention strategies: report of interventions with primary school children
Bullying. Pedagogical Practice. Elementary School.Abstract
The article presents the results of an experience report that aimed to promote pedagogical strategies that can help in the reduction of bullying involving elementary school students, from a basic education school located in western Santa Catarina. Studies indicate that pedagogical actions to prevent bullying, to be effective, need to be continuous and systematic, aiming to guarantee the involvement of all students, encouraging protagonism, care and respect for differences. Therefore, the theme of bullying was incorporated into the programmed content of the Portuguese language discipline. Among the results, it is indicated that the use of problem situations, which are part of the educational context and the coexistence between students, are innovative pedagogical strategies that have the potential for (trans) formation of the school context, as they provide the reflection-action of the teaching, as well as stimulating collectivity and cooperation.
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