Cross-cutting themes in the Common National Curriculum Base: from legislation to practice
Cross-cutting themes. Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Teacher Perception.Abstract
The cross-cutting themes in the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) aim to make students learn relevant themes for the exercise of citizenship and life in society. The objective is to assess the teachers' perception about the challenges and difficulties of implementing the themes. The questionnaire developed, in addition to the profile questions, presents questions that assess the perception of the BNCC, the trust and experience in teaching cross-cutting themes, the difficulties of implementation and the results obtained. Descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis were used as analysis techniques. For most teachers, the implementation has followed the legal deadlines, but there is still a need for training and improvements of the school structure. Among the most inexperienced themes are those related to the economy, and financial and tax education. Teachers perceive students' performance as similar to other themes. Public administrators need to make an effort to prepare the school community for the new challenges of cross-cutting themes.
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