Teaching beginnings: professionality and experience of (re)beginning teachers in a new stage of basic education
Beginnings of Teaching. Teaching Professionality. Teaching Experience.Abstract
The article comes from an investigation whose objective was to analyze how the professionalism of the teacher with more than five years of teaching experience in the early years of elementary school is remade when becoming a beginning teacher in early childhood education. Of a quantitative-qualitative nature, the instruments used were the questionnaire (Likert Scale) and the semi-structured interview. The data indicate that the participants experienced learning in their first teaching experience that contributed to the quality of the experiences in the new stage with regard to relational and disciplinary knowledge. Regarding the part of professionalism that is rebuilt, there are pedagogical knowledge – the central point of this teaching (re)construction in the different beginnings of teaching – as they keep characteristics, knowledge, skills and competences specific to the new stage of teaching. The study confirms the need for greater attention to “initiations”, considering that the beginning of teaching cannot be considered a single moment in the profession. It is about defending the use of the term “beginnings” in the plural, since the time of teaching experience does not guarantee specific knowledge and knowledge to the different stages of teaching, since in each new beginning, the teacher is faced with the need to (re)construct their professionalism.
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