Team-based learning: metamorphosis in times of remote learning
Teams-Based Learning. Active methodologies. Remote classes.Abstract
This paper aims to discuss the experience lived by students of a Pedagogy course. During the second semester of 2020, the class was submitted to the Team Based Learnig (TBL) teaching methodology. The pandemic context, in which classes started to be taught remotely, motivated the use of different methodologies. Therefore, classes for the course “Contents and Methodology for Teaching Portuguese” were prepared in accordance with the methodological structure of TBL. As methodological research procedures, students were invited to report their experiences through a form available on Google Forms with open questions and a Free Word Association Test (TALP). The data obtained through the questionnaire were grouped into two categories: (i) knowledge exchange between peers and (ii) division of labor and conflicts. These categories represented, according to the students' opinion, the challenges experienced while working with the methodology. This study provided important elements to reflect on TBL, as an active methodology, enabling mechanisms for a different proposal for teaching/learning during the period of remote classes, which requires the redefinition of pedagogical practices.
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