Contributions of research in social representation to teach and learn Geography
Geography Teaching. Social Representation Theory. School Geography. Qualitative Research.Abstract
Representation is associated to several meanings and plays a fundamental role in geography. Since symbolic constructions reconstitute reality and provide meaning to it, the representations regarding the world we live in are indispensable, which demonstrate the importance of investigating them. In this sense, the objective of the present study is to demonstrate the central elements of the Social Representation Theory to provide an overview of the research involving social representation and geography teaching in the early 21st century. The results will enable the identification of the main theoretical influences, the methodology, and the contribution of research conducted in the area, more specifically, on geography teaching and learning. The results revealed that studies on social representation in geography are still incipient; however, the literature contributes for pedagogical practices and for the modification of some representation embedded in common sense. Therefore, teaching and learning geography is of the utmost importance, since social representations provide social practices with sense and value.
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