Practices and reading events as literacy promoters for literature
Literary Literacy. Literary Literacy Agents. Practices of Literary Literacy in School.Abstract
This article presents the results that had has a goal to investigate the pedagogical practices of literary literacy at school have marked the memory of the initial students majoring Letters. Data collection was made through closed and open questions arranged in a survey answered by eight students. Being of a qualitative nature, the methodological conception of this research is mainly supported by Bogdan and Biklen (1997), taking as a reference the content analysis according to Birdan (2011). Regarding literacy, we searched for a basis in the works of Soares (1998, 1999, 2005, 2020) and Kleimann (2006), Paulino and Cosson (2009) and Zappone (2008) support the reflections concerning literary literacy. The students' responses led to the presence of the family as the first supporter of literary literacy by remiding the voice of parents and close relatives telling children's stories. In elementary school, activities involving literature as routine visits to the library and text production based on literary texts were mentioned.
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