Brazilian geographical scientific production on lesbianities: academic and social invisibility
Lesbian Women. Scientific Production. Space.Abstract
This article aims to identify and elucidate the theses and dissertations on lesbianism that enable a geographical analysis of their results. Thus, a bibliographic survey of research that discusses the theme in focus was carried out in the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations on the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) website between the years 1988 and 2019. A total of 201 theses and dissertations were located that refer to discussions on and/or in conjunction with the theme of lesbianism. Of these, 136 research address exclusively lesbian experiences, and 104 are a geographical analysis of their results. Based on these data, one can notice absences and silence by the Brazilian geographic scientific field related to lesbians and marginalization of these studies by the national scientific production, given the low percentage of works available in the referred Catalog, when compared to the total of published research (0.02%). On the other hand, this reveals that there is a fertile field to produce geographic analyses that help in the understanding of the spatial experiences of lesbians in research conducted by other fields of knowledge.
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