Academic publication on pedagogical issues in higher education in Portugal




Higher Education. Teaching. Pedagogical Education. Pedagogical Practice. Challenges in Higher Education.


At the turn of the millennium, resulting mainly from the Bologna Process and technological (r)evolution, higher education and teachers faced various challenges, primarily related to pedagogical issues. With this situation as a reference, the article presents a study that analysed academic production in Portugal between 2012-2021, which was researched using various databases and analysed using frequency and content analysis techniques. The analysis showed that: the number of articles published in indexed journals or conference proceedings was not as expressive as the urgency of reflection on the theme deserved; the number of doctoral theses and master's dissertations focusing on pedagogical issues in higher education was relatively small; the methodology of these works, although distributed among procedures of qualitative, mixed and quantitative orientation, had less expression in the latter methodological type; many of the authors of academic works are from the educational field, although there are also authors from other scientific areas; most of the literary work focused on the pedagogical training of higher education teachers, followed by studies on pedagogical practices and the challenges posed to higher education. Alongside these conclusions, the study allowed identifying limitations that justify its deepening and recommendations for future research work on this topic.


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How to Cite

LEITE, C. F.; TORRES, M. F.; TORRES, F.; DUARTE, M. Academic publication on pedagogical issues in higher education in Portugal. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 67, p. e36[2024], 2023. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.v34.n.67.s17943. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.