Research-training as a teaching induction practice: challenges and strategies at the beginning of career
Challenges. Overcoming strategies. Research-training. Beginning teachers.Abstract
This article presents the experience of research-training with beginning teachers that aims to present and discuss the challenges and survival strategies used by teachers at the beginning of their careers for continuity in the profession. Sixteen teachers participated in the research, working in different stages of Public Basic Education, linked to two research-training groups, one group from the cities of Florianópolis and Antônio Carlos and the other from the city of Gaspar, both belonging to the state of Santa Catarina. The training research took place during the pandemic context, through five virtual meetings via the Google Meet platform. The results highlight the need for systematized actions to monitor teaching work, whether through induction programs, via public policies, or through other actions aimed at this purpose, in order to provide objective and subjective conditions for retention in the teaching career.
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