Popular education and social pedagogy: is there a possible case in Porto Alegre?


  • Fernanda dos Santos Paulo UFRGS e AEPPA
  • Patricia Rutz Bierhals UFRGS
  • Isaura Isabel Conte UFRGS




Popular Education. Social Education. Popular Movement. Social Pedagogy.


This article aims to present some reflections on popular education and social pedagogy, and in the midst of these, be problematized the case of Porto Alegre, presenting the engagement of educators (as) popular, organized (as) in the Association of Popular Educators from Porto Alegre - AEPPA, in order to fight for education.. The method is based on theoretical studies and direct insertion in the context of popular education, with summaries and group discussions. As a result, it is emphasized that there are similarities, but also disagreements between the two terminologies, and adds to them, still others, such. Popular education emerges very strongly linked to popular social movements and carries the commitment to social transformation. The social pedagogy, in turn, is born in the post - World War II in a vulnerable position, proposing assistance and alleviation of suffering. In this aspect there is dialogue possible, however, popular education has a markedly class, with the option (s) impoverished (as), which according to Freire, they learn to read the world. The mismatch occurs when the terms are confused - popular education and social pedagogy - as if they were the same, or if one could replace the other. Finally, in conclusion, points out that education does not exclude the popular social pedagogy and vice versa, and the two have meaning in the educational doings.

Author Biographies

Fernanda dos Santos Paulo, UFRGS e AEPPA

Mestranda em Educação pela UFRGS e pedagoga.

Patricia Rutz Bierhals, UFRGS

Mestranda em Educação e Pedagoga.

Isaura Isabel Conte, UFRGS

Doutoranda e mestre em Educação.



How to Cite

PAULO, F. dos S.; BIERHALS, P. R.; CONTE, I. I. Popular education and social pedagogy: is there a possible case in Porto Alegre?. Educação: Teoria e Prática, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 43, p. 128–144, 2013. DOI: 10.18675/1981-8106.vol23.n43.p128-144. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br/index.php/educacao/article/view/6040. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


