
  • Claudio Antonio de Mauro UNESP - Campus de Rio Claro - IGCE


The present time of the thought of Ab’Sáber is express under diverse angles, in view of the revision of its scientific boarding, since the first half of XX century’s. In the doctoral thesis, defended at the University of São Paulo, the author approached on geomorphology subject’s to the construction of the city. With the map elaboration, it delimited the elements of the landscape in the confluence of the river Pinheiros (Pines), affluent for the right edge in the river Tietê. Mentioning the workmanships to it of engineering carried through there, it demonstrated as they had affected of the fertile rivers valley’s of the and had served of inductors for its occupations. With this, the constructions and the infrastructure in the State of São Paulo capital’s had been pushed for the fluvial edges and, consequently, for known the full situations of catastrophic in the current days. When intent and high pluvial precipitations occur, the internal circulation in the city and also its external relation is engaged and many made impracticable times. It has been distinguished that in its origins the urban occupation if gave in the mounts and free sources of floodings. The climatic oscillations of the Pliocene and the Pleistocene epoch’s had been emphasized by Ab’Sáber, as well as the tectonics adaptations that had affected and allowed the formation of the Paulistano Plateau. The levels of smoothed surfaces, “stone lines”, the ferruginous concretions, the states of decomposition of rocks had been some of the pointed indications to demonstrate climatic variations in the Quaternary. The inadequate interventions in the processes of construction of the city had been decisives in the modifications of the climatic conditions of the metropolis. As it is observed, when the humanity if worries about the greenhouse effect risk’s and the gases emissions that affect the ozone layer, we appeal to the coherence in the analyses of the last century that in had prevented them on such risks.

