Water quality of the Lagoa Comprida basin, Aquidauana - MS
The Basin of Lagoa Comprida , with little more than 7,61 km2, it cuts to the middle the city of Aquidauana/MS, it was busy without any environmental concern, especially with relationship to the infrastructure of sanitation receiving frequent feathers of contamination coming of the landfill of the city, the Natural Park of Lagoa Comprida, and two cemeteries in your urban portion, that commit the quality of your waters and, consequently, the users' life and of the population of yours spill. The monitoring accomplished during the period of August / 2003 to May / 2004, through parameters physical-chemist and bacteriological it sought to quantify and to qualify the waters of this Basin and your use limitations. The results indicated great bacteriological contamination of the superficial waters framing them in the class 1 of CONAMA (Resolution no. 357/05) and the presence of nitrate in two of the eight monitored wells. Key words: quality of the waters - use and occupation of the soil - sanitationDownloads
Estudos Geográficos: Revista Eletrônica de Geografia, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil - eISSN: 1678—698X está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons