Integrated Development and Management for the Corumbatai River Whatershed


  • Shirley Cristina dos Santos Faculdade de Primavera / SP
  • Gilberto José Garcia Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas da Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP


The decision for if studying the process of regional development taking as base a Whatershed Basin elapses of the fact of the same one to be considered, for some authors, as the main unit of analysis and management, as much in the ambient scope as economic and social. Of this form, by means of the study in a Whatershed Basin with sights to the management it can be distinguished some objectives, such as the economic development, the social, economic fairness and ambient e, the ambient sustainable. Being thus, the main objective is to analyze the factors of the development with the purpose to define partner-economic and ambient lines of direction aiming at the Planning and the Ambient Management of the Corumbatai River Whatershed. Key words : Ambient Management - Whatershed - Public Politics

Author Biographies

Shirley Cristina dos Santos, Faculdade de Primavera / SP

Geógrafa. Mestre e Doutora pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências. Docente e Coordenadora do Curso de Tecnologia em Gerenciamento Ambiental da Faculdade de Primavera / SP.

Gilberto José Garcia, Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas da Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP

Professor Titular e Pesquisar Voluntário junto ao Centro de Análise e Planejamento Ambiental (CEAPLA) do Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas da Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Campus de Rio Claro.




