The development and the invention of its promotion in local scale: concept, false politics and quandaries of the promotion of the local development


  • Francisco das Chagas do Nascimento Junior Unesp - Rio Claro


The Local Development if presents as a new alternative politics for the promotion of the economic and social development. Related, intrinsically with the current context, the change in the thought and the strategies of its promotion if comes back to the local scale, dimension immediate of the realization of the globalization process biggest. In search of the overcoming of one old model of development the modern thought search to take to the local instance the responsibility and the capacity to not only surpass its internal problems, but also to consider programs and to prosper in general way. However, in the confrontation between theoretical bases some debates appear how much to ideal the privileged instance and for the efficient promotion of the development. Still, questions about the proper used strategies, mainly for the public power place in doubt the best instruments for the reach of this maximum objective that is to develop the economy and the society. Key words: Local Development, Territorial Politics, Strategies of Development.

Author Biography

Francisco das Chagas do Nascimento Junior, Unesp - Rio Claro

Aluno do curso de mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia – Área de Concentração em Organização do Espaço. Unesp - Rio Claro




