Diagnosis of the technological level and the farming exploration in a watershed in theState of São Paulo: the Passa-Cinco watershed
The relations between environment and agriculture are very narrow, and the success of the agricultural activity especially depends on the features and restrictions of the environment on the topography, the ground features, the water availability, the thermal regimen, the types of technology, the enterprise capacity of the agriculturist and its level of information technique. Of this form, the objective of the work was to analyze, by means of questionnaires and cartographic analysis, the influence of the different technological levels in the use and occupation of lands in the Units of Farming Production (UPAs), located in the Passa-Cinco River Basin and to correlate with the respective subjects as the land suitability, risk of erosion and the current use. It is considered, then, that, what it differentiates and it modifies the form of use of the land are the diverse mechanisms used for the proprietors, as the assistance technique, the adequate equipment use and the practical ones of conservation of the ground that makes possible a adjustment in the use, that diminishes the impacts and tries to promote a bigger productivity. Key words: Watershed – Land use – FarmingDownloads
Estudos Geográficos: Revista Eletrônica de Geografia, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil - eISSN: 1678—698X está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons