Notes concerning part of Geography post-graduation until 2.000

Notes concerning part of Geography post-graduation until 2.000


  • Rui Ribeiro de Campos PUC-Campinas
  • Odeibler Santo Guidugli UNESP


This article does an inventory of geography’s dissertations and thesis defended until the year of 2.000. It’s an attempt of verifying the intensity and the panorama of Brazilian academic productions linked to Brazilian-Geographic Thought History. It analyses Post-Graduation works of this nature produced on UNESP and USP; another works which look for analysis of Geographic issues in literary works form Brazil; and some works from other areas but linked with Geography. It also tries to draw a picture of the Geographic Post-graduation in Brazil.

Author Biographies

Rui Ribeiro de Campos, PUC-Campinas

Mestre em Educação, Doutor em Geografia e professor de Epistemologia da Geografia e Geografia Política na Faculdade de Geografia da PUC-Campinas.

Odeibler Santo Guidugli, UNESP

Doutor em Geografia, Especialista e Professor de Geografia da População na UNESP - Rio Claro




