Use of sustainable techniques for soil remineralization in tropical regions


  • Viviane Souza de OLIVEIRA Universidade Federal da Bahia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1403-7555
  • Ricardo Galeno Fraga de Araújo PEREIRA Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Maria da Conceição RABELO GOMES Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA).




The combination of rock rock and biofertilization technologies can be used, in a combined way, to increase the availability of nutrients and to revitalize soils in tropical regions. This work aims to present, particularly for the Bahian agricultural sector, a compilation and analysis of the state of the art on these two technologies - which represent sustainable alternatives to enable soil remineralization. For that, we used: a) analysis and interpretation of available databases, aiming at identifying areas with potential occurrences of multinutrient silicate rocks and the demand of remineralizers in the State; b) compilation of knowledge related to agronomic efficiency tests of remineralizers, and c) association of the concepts of remineralizers and biofertilization, discussing the mechanisms through which the combination of these two technologies can accelerate the release of nutrients to the soil. Throughout the work, the advantages of using these techniques were analyzed and demonstrated, as well as the benefits to plants and, by extension, to the food produced, to living beings and, mainly, to the environment. It is important to highlight that the combination of these techniques is capable of promoting the maintenance of soil fertility over time and reducing expenses with imported inputs.

Author Biographies

Viviane Souza de OLIVEIRA, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Geologist and Master in Environmental and Medical Geology from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA and Bachelor in Nursing from the Catholic University of Salvador (UCSal). Researcher on the fertility of tropical soils and Geochemistry of Potentially Toxic Elements. Line of research Environmental and Medical Geology, contributing to Public Health through the environmental monitoring of toxic substances. He gives lectures on Medical Geology, Remineralizer (Rock Dust) and Soil Microorganisms. Develops work with rock and biofertilization - Sustainable Techniques for Remineralization of tropical soils. Registers a Remineralizer at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply – MAPA. . He carried out voluntary scientific initiation, from the Hydrogeochemistry Research Group, at the Center for Hydrogeological and Environmental Studies (NEHMA).

Ricardo Galeno Fraga de Araújo PEREIRA, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Universidade Federal da Bahia

Programa de Pós-graduação em Geologia. Instituto de Geociências, UFBA. Rua Barão de Jeremoabo, s/n - Campus Universitário de Ondina. Salvador/Bahia - Brasil. E-mails: vivianeoliveira2423@gmail.com; fraga.pereira@ufba.br

Maria da Conceição RABELO GOMES, Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA).

Departamento de Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária, Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA). 

Avenida Hiléia, s/nº - Agrópolis do Incra – Bairro Amapá. Marabá – Pará – Brasil.

E-mail: conceicaorabelo@yahoo.com.br




