Piumhí (MG) Management Plan: Geo-environmental Diagnosis.


  • Leandro Andrade de Souza Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Iracema Generoso de Abreu Bhering Centro Universitário Izabela Hendrix, Campus Cachoeirinha
  • Érika Gaspar Freitas Integrante do Plano Diretor de Piumhí. Prefeitura Municipal de Piumhí


Diagnóstico Geoambiental, Plano Diretor, Piumhí.


Piumhí is a municipality located in the Midwest of Minas Gerais State, in Brazil, and has its economy based on cattle-raising and agriculture, with a highlight on the local huge coffee plantations. However, the increasing development of these activities has been occurring in inappropriate areas by deteriorating the original covering, which has contributed for conflicts on the land use and environmental impacts. The local geo- environmental characterization has allowed understanding the pressing necessity for recovering the main water spring, which covers the area of the Araras Creek head, through the formation of a Permanent Protection Area, associated with implementations that aim its environmental rehabilitation. Furthermore, the municipality has its tourism potential barely exploited, besides needing the implantation of an industrial center, in order to implement the employment in the region, as well as to dispose the urban waste appropriately. Both a physical diagnosis and an environmental zoning of Piumhi are the content of the works carried out in the Municipal Management Plan (2006/2007), and have been built with the purpose to attend the Statute of the Cities. Keywords: Geo-environmental Diagnosis; Management Plan; Piumhi.




