Compreensões de trabalhadores em transnacionais de São Carlos acerca da prática social lazer: processos educativos envolvidos


  • Fábio Ricardo Mizuno Lemos UFSCar



Processos Educativos, Lazer, Trabalho, Trabalhadores, Transnacionais


Alterations in the production manners conditioned the workers to the new forms of relationships with the work. These relationships were conditioned by the Capitalist System generating the virtue of the work and the unemployment all together, what works as a blocking of actions and consequent conformism that aren’t limited to the work, but to several spheres of the life, including the leisure. This way, the leisure can come to the disposition of the capitalist logic, generating a possible alienation of the working class, as well as while a social practice capable to make possible reflection and/or change. In this context, the study of the workers relationships with their leisure, as well as, their self perceptions, seeking to spy the use of such social practice for the reflection and/or change, alienation and/or permanence, what becomes significant. In the same way, it is important to understand the significances given by these workers to the practice social leisure and the educative processes involved with this practice. What makes us interrogate: which would be, for each one, of the four groups of workers (Executive; Administrative; Production; on a Temporary Basis) from two transnational companies installed in the municipal district of São Carlos, the significance attributer to the leisure and the educative processes involved with this social practice? This way, the objective of the research, in agreement according to the subject that guided it, was reveal, essentially, the understandings related to the leisure and to the educative processes of the different groups of workers. We also aimed, specifically, to analyze the devoted understandings inserts the leisure and the involved educative processes, in a reflection context and/or change, and/or, alienation and/or permanence. For that purpose, we used the reference and the methodological procedures of Phenomenology, modality located phenomenon. The construction of the results revealed that each group presented its specialties and its partakings. If, in the conception of the responsible for the elaboration and implementation of the practice social leisure, this points to the alienation and permanence, in other speeches it also indicates, the reflection and/or superation of the lived situation. The educative processes permeated the speeches linking with the interactions among the workers, in chats among friends, in the own daily coexistence, in being with, be in the work or out of this.

Author Biography

Fábio Ricardo Mizuno Lemos, UFSCar

possui graduação em Licenciatura Plena em Educação Física pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (2002) e mestrado em Educação pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (2007). Atualmente é vice-diretor financeiro da Sociedade de Pesquisa Qualitativa em Motricidade Humana e professor de educação física da Escola Estadual Professora Dinah Lúcia Balestrero. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física, com ênfase em Educação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Estudos Socioculturais do Lazer e do Esporte, Práticas Sociais e Processos Educativos, Processos de Ensino e Aprendizagem em Diferentes Contextos e Educação Física Escolar.




