The biological in the Physical Education

The biological in the Physical Education


  • Leandro Ferraz FAHESA



Biológico, Educação Física, Epistemologia


Being based in the history of the Physical Education this study brings an approach of the biological knowledge that they promoted, and they still promote, know-doing pedagogic in the school ambit. Leaving of the analysis, of critical stamp and anthropological style, of the propositions of the subject of the research, teachers Mauro Betti and Valter Bracht, around the subject north of the study “Now, which the place of the biological knowledge in the knowledge and in doing pedagogic in school Physical Education”. It is approached, therefore, a critic of the critic. Starting from semi-structured interview and of punctual collections of the biological in the Physical Education in the works of the respective subject of the study, a better understanding of the was aimed at than it is being done with the crossing of the biology in the Brazilian physical education. Leaving of a certain presupposition that there would be a silenciamento or marginalized of the biological, it is taken the considerations of Bracht and Betti as an explanation of the critical Physical Education, in which they propose a new mean of concepts and conceptions of these crossing and displacements of factors come of the biology. An abandonment to the determinisms, in this case the biological, and a ransom for ressignificações is what it is being proposed by the subject of the study, in other words, he intends an inclusion of the biological knowledge and your crossing in the knowledge and in doing pedagogic of the physical education teacher and an abandonment to the determinism/fetishism that they orientate the constitution of the field and of the professional identity, the tecnicism, the esportivismo and in this case the biologicismo.

Author Biography

Leandro Ferraz, FAHESA

possui graduação em Educação Física pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2000) e mestrado em Educação nas Ciências pela Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (2006). Atualmente é professor do Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física, com ênfase em Ensino, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: psicologia, treinamento físico e excesso, talento desportivo, formação profissional, infância e adolescência, desenvolvimento e desempenho e farmacologia, esporte e rendimento. Endereço para acessar este CV:




