Autonomy in the formal physiotherapy education:one educations programe awareness


  • Roberto Borges Filho Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Catanduva, SP



Educação. Fisioterapia. Formação.


The aim of this study was to contribute to an understanding of educative activities during the Physiotherápy course to improve awareness of the roles of students utilizing the consciousness-raising education method.The research-action method was followed.To collect information on the difficulties and limitations experienced by students,initial observations during the graduation course and an analysis of spoken statements and semi-structured interviwes were used.The data were collected and coded into five themes:Autonomy,formal education in physiotherapy,subject-subject relationships,critically consideration of the transformations and freedom of speech.The discussions correlated to actions were developed based on the teaching method of Paulo Freire.After this phase,there were transformations in the attitudes of students during actions developed in the training period.The results show that the methodological strategies applied,focusing on consciousness-raing education,werw adequate to develop the critical awareness of the students in respect to the difficulties experienced with actions during the training period,directed to a transforming practice.

Author Biography

Roberto Borges Filho, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Catanduva, SP

Doutorado:Ciências da SaúdeFAMERP-Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto Mestrado:Ciências da SaúdeFAMERP-Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto Especializaçõa:Ciências da ReabilitaçãoUFSCAR-Universidade Federal de São Carlos Especialização:Didática Ensino SuperiorUNORP-Universidade Norte Paulista Graduação:Fisioterapia UNESP Docente Graduação:Fisioterapia-Enfermagem-Educação Física Docente Pós Graduação Lato Sensu:Medicina e Fisioterapia Docente Pós Graduação Strictu Sensu:Medicina e Fisioterapia Consultor:Revista Motriz UNESP Consultor:Cadastrado Revista Fisioterapia USP Membro:CIPA 2 mandatos Membro:Sociedade Brasileira Anatomia Membro:Comitê Ética em Pesquisa FAMERP Formação R.P.G. Souchard. Currículo Lattes:




