The game inside the school: a representation of 5th graders Physical Education classes

The game inside the school: a representation of 5th graders Physical Education classes


  • Mauro Henrique André Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da USP, SP
  • Katia Rubio Departamento de Pedagogia do Movimento do Corpo Humano, EEFE da USP, São Paulo, SP



jogo, comportamento atitudinal, cultura, Educação Física escolar


Since the beginning of Physical Education entrance in the brazilin public schools, the game has been frequently used as content, and in the course of time that practice seems to be intensified. In spite of many approaches of different purposes to justify its pedagogic usefulness, the game has been used as an indiscriminate way due to the fascination that it provides to the students. The present research searches for a description and analysis of children’s (10-12 years old) attitudes behaviors in games, on Physical Education classes, inside a public school. The study was accomplished with the researcher also attending as a teacher (action research). For the accomplishment of the study 55 children were filmed in four different games, of different kinds (exposed, transformed, and spontaneous). The classes’ description and analysis were focused in the attitude axis and it was defined four topics for the discussion: Conflicts, Respect of rules, Expressiveness, and Competitiveness. The relationship between the individual with the game and its culture were pointed as the main characteristics in the configuration of the ludicrous activity atmosphere. It was also possible to observe specific situations of this relationship, once the games were limited to the social games (Piaget category), in a school atmosphere where children have students roles. Due to the obtained results, the study proposes a reflexive practice in which the students notice their own attitudes and try to adapt the game to their needs and not he other way around. In this perspective, the teacher has an important mediator roll, once he will be responsible to point out the students' difficulties and promote discussions in favor to provide teamwork.

Author Biographies

Mauro Henrique André, Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da USP, SP

Prof. Ms. Mauro Henrique André Mestre em Educação Física - USP Bacharel e Licenciado em Ed. Física - USP Currículo Lattes:

Katia Rubio, Departamento de Pedagogia do Movimento do Corpo Humano, EEFE da USP, São Paulo, SP

É bacharel em Jornalismo pela Faculdade de Comunicação Social Casper Líbero (1983) e psicóloga pela PUC-SP (1995). Fez mestrado em Educação Física pela EEFE-USP (1998), doutorado em Educação pela FE-USP (2001) e pós-doutorado em Psicologia Social na Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona. Atualmente é professora associada da Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da Universidade de São Paulo, orientadora nos programas de Pos-graduação da EEFE-USP e FE-USP e coordenadora do curso de especialização em Psicologia do Esporte do Instituto Sedes Sapientiae. Coordena o Centro de Estudos Socioculturais do Movimento Humano da EEFE-USP, é presidente da Associação Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte e editora da Revista Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte. Tem 13 livros acadêmicos escritos e organizados na área de Psicologia do Esporte e Estudos Olímpicos abordando os temas psicologia do esporte, estudos olímpicos, psicologia social do esporte, psicologia do esporte aplicada e esporte e cultura. É membro da Academia Olímpica Brasileira. Currículo Lattes:





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