Qualitative research: searching possible territories to produce science


  • Flávio Soares Alves Escola de Educação Física e Esportes - USP, São Paulo, SP




pesquisa qualitativa, educação física, ciências humanas, história de vida, hermenêutica, positivismo


The objective of this article is to display the mechanisms through which the subject was summarized in the order of the data, as resource to extract a supposed objectivity supplier of scientific legitimacy and, from there, to observe the effort of Human Sciences - under the perspective of the philosophical Hermeneutics of Gadamer (2003) – for a proximity with the subject – taking care of the danger of the objetal reduction - through the verification them life histories. This approach allows inquiring on the possibilities of the Physical Education to extend its scope of knowledge when leading in account the body and the movement as potential agents of history, disclosing an ontology affinity between distinct fields of knowledge. The body in movement creates language. Life histories catch this language, displaying its communicational structure. The Hermeneutics becomes this communication understandable for an interlocutor. This verification - and the possibilities not yet tamed that it announces - can interest the Physical Education.

Author Biography

Flávio Soares Alves, Escola de Educação Física e Esportes - USP, São Paulo, SP

É pesquisador interessado na análise da experiência corporal sob a perspectiva da atuação criativa. Sempre se interessou pela pesquisa em dança, na sua relação de diálogo entre a pesquisa científica e os laboratórios de experimentação corporal. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física, com ênfase em Dança, além de trabalhar também com Capoeira, Natação e Hidroginástica. Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0847878711211793





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