Tactical ability development: the role of constraints in decisional behavior


  • Duarte Araújo Ciências do Desporto, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa




Desenvolvimento. Restrições. Tomada de decisão.


A player or a team, even with a model of game, or with a specific action plan for a game, needs exploit the context, and interact with colleagues and opponents to resolve the situation of the game. Therefore, more than memorize a large number of rules, or actions, players need to develop the capacity to detect informational constraints to identify ways to the objective. In this way, during the game, a player becomes pellet colleague, since this colleague allows the occurrence of passing, i.e. , since the colleague is (or will be) in a position where the pass is possible (the relationship between the players to pass), and not because the trainer can define at beginning. Then we will try clarify how develops this process. We believe that the development of decisional behavior is not a linear and normative, and which are expected different amounts of change between the players. In this sense, the training should focus in functional aspects of the game through the manipulation of embarrassment individual, environmental and the task, which receives the holding, the discovery and potentiation of couplings-action relevant information.

Author Biography

Duarte Araújo, Ciências do Desporto, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

Duarte Araujo, PhD Assistant Professor Faculty of Human Kinetics/Technical University of Lisbon Estrada da Costa 1495-688 Cruz Quebrada, Portugal daraujo@fmh.utl.pt Ensino Leccionadas: Psicologia do Desporto, Ciências do Desporto, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal. Membro eleito, desde 2001, do "managing council" da International Society of Sport Psychology”; Premiado com o 3º lugar, em 2001, em Colónia - Alemanha, no concurso de jovens investigadores pelo “European College of Sport Science” com a investigação “Decision dynamics and intentional behaviour in sailing” Premiado com o 1º lugar, em 2002, em Poitiers – França, no concurso de jovens investigadores pelo “Associations des chercheurs en activités physiques et sportives” (ACAPS) com a investigação “Emergent Decision making in sport: a constraints-led perspective”.





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