Centre of excellence and women’s artistic gymnastics: the brazilian coaches` perspective

Centre of excellence and women’s artistic gymnastics: the brazilian coaches` perspective


  • Myrian Nunomura EEFE/USP, Ribeirao Preto, SP
  • Mauricio dos Santos de Oliveira EEFE/USP, Ribeirao Preto, SP




Training center. Foreign coach. Centralized preparation.


During the period of 2001 and 2008, the Brazilian Gymnastics Confederation implemented the method of centralized preparation of the gymnasts at the Curitiba Training Center (TC). Using the former Soviet Union model of sports boarding schools, the Brazilian gymnasts started to train together under the supervision of a technical team led by a renowned foreign coach. This article aims to discuss the context of the TC and the system of centralized preparation of the Brazilian Women Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) showing the point of view of the coaches. We conducted a field survey and we interviewed 34 coaches of 29 sport institutions. Among the positive aspects, the coaches reported the better infrastructure available to the gymnasts. The negative aspects refer to problems regarding to the strictness of the training, the polarization and the consequent monopolization of athletes showing that there wasn’t an adaptation of the Soviet model to the characteristics of the WAG developed in Brazil.

Author Biographies

Myrian Nunomura, EEFE/USP, Ribeirao Preto, SP

Obteve a graduação em Licenciatura em Educação Física pela Universidade de São Paulo (1989); mestrado em Educação pela Yokohama National University (1995); doutorado em Ciências do Esporte pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2001); pós-doutoramento pela University of Tsukuba (2008) e livre-docência pela Universidade de São Paulo (2009). Atualmente é professora associada da Universidade de São Paulo. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física e de Esporte, com ênfase em Ginástica e suas diversas manifestações; Ginástica Artística Competitiva; Pedagogia do Esporte; e Formação Profissional no Esporte (Coach Education).

Mauricio dos Santos de Oliveira, EEFE/USP, Ribeirao Preto, SP





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