Ethics as a tranversal theme - possible applications to phisical education teaching


  • Fernanda Moreto Impolcetto Faculdade Euclides da Cunha (FEUC) – São José do Rio Pardo SP
  • Suraya Cristina Darido Departamento de Educação Física IB/UNESP Rio Claro SP



Educação Física escolar. Ética. Jogos.


The aim of this study was to verify how the principle of Ethics and its components (dialogue, respect, justice and solidarity) can be developed into the Physical Education curriculum, especially through games. This research was carried out from the perspective of qualitative approach and action research. Data was gathered from meetings and personal interviews with five Physical Education teachers. Results indicated that the meetings helped teachers to think about Ethics as a theme to be intentionally developed in their classes, from verbal reports of teacher’s experience of playing games, and description of games application that were noticed as possible ways to develop ethical questions, ‘pique-bandeira’ and ‘base quatro’, for example. The final interview revealed that teachers followed thinking about Ethics and that they tried to discuss questions related to this theme even after the meetings.

Author Biographies

Fernanda Moreto Impolcetto, Faculdade Euclides da Cunha (FEUC) – São José do Rio Pardo SP

Departamento de Educação Física, Faculdade Euclides da Cunha. Sao Jose do Rio Pardo, SP, Brasil

Suraya Cristina Darido, Departamento de Educação Física IB/UNESP Rio Claro SP

Departamento de Educação Física IB/UNESP Rio Claro, SP, Brasil





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