Effects of combined endurance and strength training on anaerobic threshold of basketball players aged 14–16 years


  • Camila Coelho Greco Departamento de Educação Física - Laboratório de Avaliação da Performance Humana UNESP Rio Claro
  • Benedito Sérgio Denadai Departamento de Educação Física - Laboratório de Avaliação da Performance Humana UNESP Rio Claro




Basquetebol. Força. Endurance. Treino combinado.


This study analyzed the effect of combined endurance and strength training associated with technical and tactical training on anaerobic threshold (AnT) of basketball players. Ten players (aged 14 - 16 yr) performed during 8 weeks the following physical training: a) Endurance (2 sessions/wk) - 30 min/day at the intensity of 2.5 mM of lactate and; b) Strength (2 sessions/wk) – Resistance training (1st – 4th week) and Plyometric training (5th - 8th week). The AnT (km/h) was not different before (11.3 + 1.1) and after the training (11.4 + 1.3). The vertical jump height (cm) was higher after the training (Pre = 38.1 + 9.8 x Post = 44.5 + 6.4). It can be conclude that 8 weeks of combined endurance and strength training associated with the technical and tactical training, do not modify the AnT in basketball players aged 14–16 years.





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