The alternative body practices: formantion in Physical Education


  • Auria de Oliveira Carneiro Coldebella Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões URI – Erechim
  • Luiz Alberto Lorenzetto UNESP – Rio Claro
  • Arlei Coldebella Embrapa Suínos e Aves



Formação profissional. Práticas Corporais Alternativas. Educação. Corpo e mente.


The objective of the present study was to investigate the importance of course work related to Alternative Body Practices (ABPs) in the formation and professional performance of Physical Education (PE) teachers, at Fundamental, High School and Graduate level. Data were collected through questionnaires sent to the PE teachers at public and private Institutions from Rio Claro, Campinas and Piracicaba, at the three academic levels. Only 38,5% of the teachers had some discipline related to ABPs in the academical formation and 15,4% of them have been participating in events related to them. However, most of the teachers (84,6%) consider it important to include such courses in the graduate grade of the PE students. In conclusion, in order to better qualify PE professionals, ABPs courses should be included in the grade of graduate PE students, considering that it is not usual the professional to seek such training after the graduation.





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