Adventure activities in nature: meanings of participation


  • Alexander Klein Tahara Depto de Educação Física - Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer UNESP Rio Claro
  • Sandro Carnicelli Filho Depto de Educação Física - Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer UNESP Rio Claro
  • Gisele Maria Schwartz Departamento de Educação Física - Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer UNESP Rio Claro



Ambiente. Lazer. Atividade de Aventura.


This study of a qualitative nature, aimed to investigate, in the vision of regular practitioners, their personal meaning when experiencing adventure physical activities in nature, in leisure context. The study was developed by an exploratory research, using as instrument for data collection a four open questions semi-structured interview, applied to a sample of 20 AFAN practitioners, for more than one year, ages between 21 and 45 years old, of both sexes, with varied scholar and professional levels. Data were descriptively analyzed, by Thematic Content Analyses and indicate a considerable increasing on satisfaction and well-being levels, due to the involvement with these practices and to the contact with natural environment.





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