The chess in the contexts of the leisure, the school and professional: psychological and didactic aspects

The chess in the contexts of the leisure, the school and professional: psychological and didactic aspects


  • Danielle Ferreira Auriemo Christofoletti Departamento de Educação Física Unesp-Rio Claro, SP, Brasil



Jogo. Xadrez. Ensino-aprendizagem. Lazer. Competição.


This research, of qualitative nature, has as objective to determine the psychological and didactic aspects referring to the practice of chess game in school, competitive and leisure contexts, focusing the performance of the professionals involved, under the perspective of human movement area. The research was based on literature review and on explanatory research, developed through an interview with 15 open questions. This instrument was applied to a sample compound by 13 Brazilian chess teachers, of both sex, between 22 and 62 years old, from different social economical and instruction levels, with experience in chess teaching in schools, and/or clubs up to 4 years, and coaches of national recognition, who have participated in the Regional Games, which happened in 2006. Data were descriptively analyzed through Thematic Content Analysis Technique, showing that chess game consists in a very ample universe, and according to the performance place there are some variations in the used nomenclature to assign this professional as coach or as a teacher. The profile referring to participants’ professional formation intervenes in the way they deal with chess, as a game or sport, since among them few are Physical Education Graduated. Based on the results of this research, it is relevant the accomplishment of new studies, deepening the knowledge concerning to teaching-learning of this modality, focusing the different possibilities of professional performance with chess, as well as, the awareness on the necessities of adaptations for each context, improving the methodology used when teaching.

Author Biography

Danielle Ferreira Auriemo Christofoletti, Departamento de Educação Física Unesp-Rio Claro, SP, Brasil

Atualmente é membro pesquisador - Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer, desenvolvendo a pesquisa sobre a atuaçao do profissional do Xadrez . Tem experiência na área de Educação Física, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: xadrez, educação, raciocínio, regras e ética. Trabalha com o ensino do Jogo de Xadrez desde 1995, atuando também como enxadrista em diversas competições.




