The education for adventure: decode sensation and emotion


  • Aercio Rossi Cardoso Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis - Santa Teresa ES
  • Andreia Silva Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis - Santa Teresa ES
  • Gisele Rosa Felipe Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis - Santa Teresa ES



Educação Física. AFAN. Sensações.


Currently, an increasing valuation of the tourism in the nature, and of the practical one of the Physical Activities of Adventure in Nature - AFAN is verified, for people to the search of better quality of life and for the fortalecimento of ambient ethics. Ahead of this, we search to analyze and to reflect on the sensations, emotions and educative possibilities of the AFAN of the practitioners of hiking of the ESFA (Superior School San Francisco de Assis). The research was characterized as qualitative and the used instrument of verification was the interview and the participant comment. The sample was composed for 10 practitioners of the group of hiking of the ESFA. The data had allowed to conclude them that the AFAN propitiate its practitioners the experience of sensations and emotions that assist in the formation of the integral and active citizen of the society, through the inserted educative possibilities in its context.





Invited Paper and Award Paper