Circus art experience: reasons for joining and expectations


  • Jossett Campagna De Gáspari L.E.L-Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer-DEF/UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil
  • Gisele Maria Schwartz L.E.L-Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer-DEF/UNESP Rio Claro SP



Lúdico. Arte circense. Aderência. Expectativas.


In sedentary and competitive times, we cannot deny the benefits of sensitive experiences which are able to promote the encounter of one with himself and others in a spontaneous and ludic way. Thus, the circus and all its magic and vivacity come up as pleasant and handy, establishing a real interdisciplinary strategy. In order to spread these experiences the researchers of LEL – Laboratory of Leisure Studies, from the Physical Education Department at Unesp – campus of Rio Claro made it possible for the communities of Unesp and Rio Claro to participate in the university extension course called CIRCUS ART EXPERIENCE during the school year of 2006. The course offered arts, culture and leisure aspects concerning life quality through personalized and meaningful experiences. The researchers were surprised due to the fact that it was a peculiar activity at a university and there was a high level of interest of the target population, that soon filled all the thirty openings and a long waiting list was formed, arousing interest in this exploratory research. So this qualitative study aimed to identify the reasons why the population joined the course and their expectations towards the experience offered. The data were collected in two steps, one in the beginning of the course and another at the end of it, using a mixed questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale applied to a random sample of twenty participants, both male and female between eighteen and twenty-five years old. The data concerning the joining reasons were analyzed descriptively and showed physical, social and intellectual interest as well as psychological, professional and personal reasons. Concerning the expectations, the data show positive experience mainly due to the possibility of interpersonal changes as well as creative and pleasant learning. Considering the ludic, cultural and joining potentialities stood out in this theoretical-practical proposal we reassert that this kind of intervention should be developed in professional improvement and training processes in several fields of the human knowledge which presently demand growing creativity and quality in interpersonal relationships.

Author Biographies

Jossett Campagna De Gáspari, L.E.L-Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer-DEF/UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil

Doutoranda e Mestre em Ciências da Motricidade, UNESP-Rio Claro, SP, Especialista em Psicopedagogia, Pedagoga, Assistente Social, Educadora do Ensino Oficial nas modalidades infantil fundamental e médio, Docente do Ensino Superior, Membro Pesquisador do LEL-Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer DEF/UNESP-Rio Claro, SP, Membro Pesquisador do GPL-Grupo de Pesquisas em Lazer da FACEF/UNIMEP- Piracicaba, SP., Membro Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos Avançados em Inteligência Humana, USJT, Sào Paulo, SP. Autora de vários trabalhos sobre Educação e Lazer, fenômeno social como veiculo e objeto de desenvolvimento das múltiplas potencialidades humanas.

Gisele Maria Schwartz, L.E.L-Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer-DEF/UNESP Rio Claro SP

Livre Docente pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (2004). Atualmente é professor Adjunto na Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Tem experiência na área de Educação Física, com ênfase em Pedagogia do Movimento, linha de pesquisa Estados Emocionais e Movimento, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: psicologia do lazer, atividades físicas de aventura na natureza, educação física. Coordenadora do LEL - Laboratório de Estudos do Lazer.





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